Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve, 2013

It’s the morning before Christmas.
Here at my computer I sit -
Fingers poised over the keyboard
Waiting for inspiration to hit.

I looked back at the poem
I wrote for last year
And remembered how money
Or lack of, was my biggest fear.

I had hoped that my children
Would feel as I did
And value love and tradition
Despite my financial skid.

And as Christmases go,
We had joy unsurpassed.
The new year looked brighter
Than in our recent past.

But the brightness soon faded
A dark cloud moved in
One trial after another.
We just couldn’t win.

So this Christmas Eve morning
My perspective has shifted.
We’ll hold tight to each other
Until that damned cloud is lifted.

This year the presents are many
Under our undecorated tree, but
We haven’t had time
For the usual frivolity.

But I’m counting my blessings           
Because this year, you see,
Though it might not have been so,
All my children are with me.

Merry Christmas, friends. 

You can follow me on Twitter: @CeceliaHalbert

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