Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hold the Pictures, Please

     I read a tweet today that said that licensed comics are gateway products for people who are not yet regular comic readers. There is no ‘gateway’ enticing enough for me to ever pick up a comic book.

     I really don’t understand grown-ups with this obsession. Comic books, graphic novels, or whatever you want to call them. Manga? I don’t get it. I’ll have the prose, please. Hold the pictures. You want to explain to me what I’m missing? By all means. Proceed.

     I also rarely enjoy a film, no matter how well crafted, whose screenplay was adapted from a book I loved. The pictures take up too much room. The actors don’t look like the characters I imagined. Important stuff has to be left out and sometimes the story becomes distorted and almost unrecognizable because the film can’t be longer than two hours.

     For me, the art in literature is the writer’s ability to use words to create images in the reader’s mind the same way that a painter uses oils or watercolors to create images on canvas. The difference is that the words on paper are colorless and no two images will be alike. I’ll bring my schema and you bring yours and we’ll have something to discuss. 

     In keeping with today's theme I will refrain from adding a picture to my post. Make your own.

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