Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Girl from Ipanema

It used to be that not a day went by without me getting some writing done. 

I haven’t even written a blog post in two weeks.

Busy? Well, yes, but that never stopped me.

I think it’s because I’ve been happy. 

I write to work things out. Even the occasional poem I’ve written as a gift has been a therapeutic exercise for me. 

Recently I’ve found alternate forms of therapy that are more effective. I won’t go into details. You can use your imagination. I’ll wait while you think about that for a minute.

Anyway… now I find myself writing songs instead of books and blog posts. 

Songs are happier.

I’m happier. I think the next book might have a happy ending. 

If I get to it.

You can follow me on Twitter:  @CeceliaHalbert

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