Thursday, October 3, 2013

Some Things Never Change

About a million years ago I was in high school.  I had friends. Good friends - the geek club, you might say. The smart kids. The band geeks. The kids who drink RC Cola and play the home version of Password on Saturday nights. Although it was a co-ed club, we didn’t have boyfriends or girlfriends - even within our own circle of geekiness. Even we knew that we weren’t cool enough to date.

Sometime between my senior year of high school and my freshman year of college something happened to me. My geekiness faded… or something happened.  I’m not sure what, really. My geek club friends went away to other schools. I was a new girl in a new environment where no one knew my checkered geeky past.

Enter Eric Bailey. I think current terminology would label him “hot.” In 1978 he was “a fox.” Not just ‘a’ fox - he was ‘the’ fox. God, he was cute.

I let Eric borrow my biology notes one day. He subsequently asked me if I’d go out for dinner with him.

“Oh,” I laughed nervously, “you don’t have to do that. I’m happy to let you use my notes.”

“Um…” he said, “No. I want to take you out.” He kissed me. I thought I was going to faint.

I was floored. Astonished. Eric Bailey asked me out. I went. The romance lasted all summer until he went away to a different school in the fall. Geek girl makes good.

Flash forward thirty-five years.

Tuesday night I walked into Morgan’s Pub and there, waiting for me, was the most handsome man I’ve laid eyes on in years. His eyes danced. His smile was brilliant. We talked. We laughed. And by the end of the night, he’d asked me what I was doing the next night. And he kissed me. Oh lord, he kissed me. He held me in his arms. He kissed my neck. I was breathless.

It was 1978 all over again.

But I am not going away to another school this time.

You can follow me on Twitter: @CeceliaHalbert

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