Thursday, May 9, 2013

Be Careful What You Wish For

Once I wished for a life less ordinary and that’s exactly what I got. I forgot to specify, however, that what I wanted was ‘good’ less ordinary and not ‘traumatic’ less ordinary. To be fair, I did get quite a bit of good, but I also think I got more than my share of traumatic.

2012 became the inspiration for writing Up the Hill. Every single time I thought the story would veer off into fiction, some crazy event would occur and my best laid plans got laid off. (Laid is the operative word, by the way.)

Things are finally settling down around here - more or less - and the frightening thing is that I find myself missing the craziness. I wonder what’s wrong with me that I’m not content to live a mundane life of teaching, parenting, girlfriending, writing nice stories, etc., etc. Why is ‘every day’ not enough for me?

I thrive on chaos, apparently. Without it I’m unfocused.  Is it just me? I get more done when there’s more to do or when I’m under the most stress. I require more chaos in my life in order to be more productive.

So I find myself wishing again, but I’m going to try and be more specific about what it is I’m wishing for. Because I like a little crazy.

But this time I’m wishing for happy crazy.

Visit me on Twitter (@CeceliaHalbert

photo credit: Urban Woodswalker via

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