Sunday, September 14, 2014

What I Know

An “Aha!” moment.

The light bulb goes on.


It’s not you. It’s me.

But it’s not what you think. 

I have no problem saying “I love you.” 

And I mean it when I say it.

The problem for me has always been the “being loved” part.  Aha.

I remember telling him early on that it probably wouldn’t last. I would probably do something to piss him off and then he’d be gone. That’s what I’d come to expect because that is what has always happened.

But he’s not gone. I think this time it’s different. I think this time I can get it right and here’s why:

This man knows how to do love.. He did it before. For forty years. He still loves her and he always will.

But now he loves me too and that’s a big deal, given that in the beginning of us he didn’t know if that was possible.

I’ve watched his love for me grow into what it is now and I know that when he says he loves me he means it. I know it. I know when that bridge was crossed, I remember the day when he gave me his heart, and I will never take it for granted.

The difference is that this time I am ready to be loved, and I think I'm learning how from him.
Light bulb.

There is no greater risk and there is no greater reward than love. 

That is what I know.

You can follow me on Twitter: @CeceliaHalbert

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