The easy answer is…. you don’t.
That’s what I told my daughter. You don’t know. There isn’t a litmus test. All you have to go on is your gut feeling and there’s no guarantee, in the long run, that you’ll be right.
If, however, you’re in the throes of that new, head-over-heels infatuation that masquerades as love and you find that even the most minuscule, seemingly innocuous tiny little things about him annoy the crap out of you already, then I caution you: DO NOT PROCEED. You and he are doomed to eventual failure. He is not the one if, in this glowing state of love-struck rosiness, you don’t find every single quality about him absolutely adorable, right down to the gas that escapes his body in what might otherwise be considered auditorily or olfactorily offensive ways.
I speak from experience.
I know how difficult it is in that trance-like, intoxicated-by-endorphins phase of a relationship, to envision how years upon years of living under the same roof with that person might magnify to a horrific degree those seemingly minor and perhaps petty irritants. But I tell you - those tiny little annoyances will fester and aggravate you to such a point that one day, while watching him sleep in the Barcolounger in his underwear in front of an ancient episode of Who’s the Boss, his chest and belly littered with crumbled remnants of the contents of a can of Pringles, you will contemplate forever surrendering yourself to a convent of cloistered sisters just so you will never have to lay eyes on him again.
If you find every single characteristic of this man that you profess to love to be uniquely ambrosial and captivating AND if this man feels the same way about you…. then there is hope.
You’re also probably on the right track if he’s happy that your team won because 1 - it makes you happy (even if he hates your team) and 2 - because he believes that any baseball is better than no baseball.
He’s something special if he does what he says he’s going to to do and if he’s there when he says he’s going to be there.
And lastly - if his arms feel more like home than anywhere you’ve ever been, then they probably are.
You can follow me on Twitter:@CeceliaHalbert
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